SG Mark Compensation SchemeSGマーク賠償制度とは
Human loss as the result of an accident due to the failure of a SG-Mark labeled product will be compensated up to 100 million yen/accident.
賠償要件Conditions for Compensation
All three conditions below must be met for the SG Mark compensation. The accident occurred after the SG Mark is expired will not be covered in principle.
- ①
The human loss was caused by the SG Mark labeled product - ②
A product failure is recognized - ③
The accident is recognized to be caused by the product failure
賠償についてのご注意Please note
- ①
Only the accidents occurred in Japan are covered. Property damage is not covered. - ②
Compensation is not made or reduced when negligence of the user is observed. Negligence includes ignorance of the user manual, improper use, and absence of appropriate maintenance/management. - ③
The proofs of the accidents must be kept intact until advised by CPSA. Compensation may become difficult when the proofs are not well preserved.
Contact CPSA
製品の不具合、修理・交換のご相談や使用方法に関するお問い合わせ等は、メーカー、販売店にお問い合わせください。製品安全協会が対応させていただくのは、SG マークの付いた製品による事故についてのご相談に限ります。
Please contact the manufacturer or retailer for inquiries regarding product defects, malfunction, replacements, or instructions. CPSA responds to only the cases of accidents caused by products with the SG Mark.
What is the SG Mark Compensation?A1SGマークが表示された製品の欠陥によって、その製品を使用された消費者が負傷されたり、あるいは命を落とされた場合に、人身にかかる損害を妥当と考えられる範囲で賠償する制度です。賠償額の上限は一事故当たり1億円で、この範囲内で一人当たり最大1億円です。日本国内で発生した事故に限定され、その製品に表示されたSGマークの表示有効期限内に発生した事故に限ります。
CPSA compensates the human loss-–the amount of money considered adequate and up to 100 million yen per accident/person–-caused by an accident due to the defect of the product with the SG Mark. The compensation is limited to the accidents which happened in Japan. It is also limited to those which occurred during the effective periods of the SG Marks. -
Where should I report to when an accident happened and resulted in a human loss in using a product with the SG Mark?A2事故が発生した場合は、製品安全協会(下記問い合わせフォームのリンク)にご連絡ください。担当者が事故の状況や被害の程度、事故品の状態などを確認させていただき、請求のための手続きを説明の上、事故発生届等の申請に必要な書類を送付します。送付された事故発生届等の書類、及び、事故品の受理をもって正式な申請の受理となります。
お問い合わせ | 製品安全協会CPSA (
Please contact CPSA by the inquiry form below, when an accident happened in using a product with the SG Mark. The officer in charge of the SG Compensation checks the circumstance and send you the forms for filing the application. The official procedure starts when CPSA receives the filed documents. Please note that when days pass after the accident, it may become difficult to examine the cause and make the compensation. Therefore, please file the documents to CPSA, as soon as possible, in no later than 60 days after the accident. The injured person or his/her representative can file an application for the SG Mark Compensation.
Questions, Inquiries and Claims -
What does CPSA do when it receives an application for SG Mark Compensation?A3製品安全協会は、事故がどのように起こったのか、それが製品の欠陥によるものかについて審査します。そのために、事故品の破損や変形、キズなども詳しく調べ、お申し出いただいた事故状況についての情報と合わせて事故の原因究明を行います。そして、事故発生届受理後、原則2か月以内に結果を文書にて回答いたします。
CPSA investigates how the accident occurred and whether the accident was caused by the defect of the product. For this purpose, CPSA checks the deformations, the scratches and other damages of the products to determine the cause of the accident in conjunction with the report and other documents provided by the injurer. As a general rule, CPSA will respond in writing with the results in two months. When it is determined that the accident was caused by the defect of the product, CPSA pays the amount of the money which reasonably compensates the human loss resulted in the accident. The injurer is required to submit documentation proving the damage (receipts for medical expenses, medical certificates, etc.). After calculating the compensation amount, a settlement will be discussed with the victim. Please note that costs without submitted evidence as proof cannot be compensated. Furthermore, if it is recognized that there is room for improvement in the SG standards (including the instruction manual), amendments to the SG standards will be made. -
What kinds of accidents can be covered by the SG Mark Compensation?A4SGマーク賠償制度は、SGマーク付き製品の欠陥により発生したと考えられる事故でSGマーク有効期限内に発生した事故のみを対象とします。
お問い合わせ | 製品安全協会CPSA (
The SG Mark Compensation compensates the human loss resulted in an accident using a product with the SG Mark which occurred in Japan during the effective period of the SG Mark and is identified to have been caused by the defect of the product.
The SG Mark Compensation does not cover the loss of the accidents which are not directly related to the failure of the products or caused by apparent misuse of the products. (For example, a traffic accident riding on a bicycle with the SG Mark is not covered unless the accident was caused by the defect of the bicycle during the effective period of the SG Mark.) Please contact CPSA by using the form on the web for consultation if an accident may be covered by the SG Mark Compensation.
Questions, Inquiries and Claims -
Does the SG Mark Compensation compensate the property damages?A5SGマーク賠償制度は、物的損害を対象としていません。
SG Mark Compensation does NOT cover the property damages. -
Does SG Mark Compensation cover the accidents happened outside of Japan?A6SGマーク賠償制度は、日本国内で発生した事故を対象としています。海外で発生した事故は対象になりません。
The SG Mark Compensation does not cover the accidents which happened outside of Japan. -
Can an accident in using a product on which the SG Mark is missing be covered by the SG Mark Compensation?A7弊協会にてSGマーク付き製品であるか否かを調べ、SGマーク付き製品であることが確認できれば申請を受理することが出来ます。しかし、その確認は決して容易ではありません。製品を使用する際にSGマークをはがしたり消したりすることのないようお願いいたします。
Maybe, or maybe not. If CPSA can confirm that the product had the SG Mark, the accident may be covered by the SG Mark Compensation. However, such confirmation is often not easy. Please do not remove the SG Marks when you use the products. -
Can an accident happened after the effective period of the SG Mark be covered by the SG Mark Compensation?A8SGマーク賠償制度による対象は、SGマーク有効期限内に発生した事故に限られます。これは、製品は、経年により性能が劣化する可能性があるため、SGマークはその安全性を担保できる耐用年数を勘案して有効期限を定めているからです。経年劣化は、製品の使用に伴うのはもちろんのこと、未使用であっても劣化が進行することがあります。このため、製品を安全に使い続けていただくために、SGマーク有効期限が過ぎた製品は、買い替え、交換をしていただくようお願いしています。
No, the SG Mark Compensation covers the accidents which happened only during the effective period of the SG Mark. The reason why the SG Marks set effective periods is that products may degrade over time whether they are used or not and need to be replaced to ensure their safe use. The SG Mark Compensation may exceptionally cover the accidents after the effective period of the SG Mark, if they were caused by a fundamental problem of the products such as major defect of product design, if the product had been used in an ordinal manner. Please consult with CSPA if an accident may be covered by the SG Mark Compensation since the decision is made case by case. -
Are accidents involving rental or second-hand items displaying the SG mark eligible for the SG Mark Compensation?A9レンタル品、中古品による事故もSGマーク賠償制度の対象になります。ただし、レンタル品や中古品の場合は、レンタル事業者等にも管理責任が発生します。きちんとした管理がなされていなかったために生じた事故などはレンタル事業者等が賠償責任を負います。また、レンタル品や中古品の場合、製品がどのように使われてきたかを十分に確認することができず、事故原因の究明が難しくなる場合があります。使用開始時にすでに製品に生じていたキズ、破損、変形、摩耗等の異状や改造、メンテナンス等が原因となって生じた事故や取扱説明書が無かった場合は、原則として賠償されません。レンタル品や中古品を購入される際は、取扱説明書があることと、製品の安全性に関わる問題がないことを確認してください。また、使用の際は取扱説明書をきちんとお読みいただき正しく使用するようにしてください。
Rental and second-hand products are not excluded from the SG Mark Compensation. However, rental service providers or used products vendors also bear responsibility for product safety. They may become liable for the loss if their management of the product safety is inadequate. Often, the determination of the cause of the accident becomes difficult because of the difficulty to ascertain how the product had been used. The accidents which are considered to be caused by pre-existing damages, alteration, degradations, or the lack of adequate maintenance, or when user manuals were lost, cannot be compensated. When you purchase a second-hand product, please ensure that there are no issues related to the product safety and the instruction manual is included. Please read the instruction manual carefully and thoroughly when you use the product. If you find problems or feel discomfort of the product which may affect the safe use of the product, stop using the product and report to the rental business. -
The instruction manual was not attached to the product when I rented. If an accident should happen, can it be covered by the SG Compensation?A10取扱説明書を読まずに製品を誤使用したことにより事故が生じた場合は、原則として賠償されません。必ず購入、使用前に取扱説明書を確認するようにしてください。また、レンタル事業者や中古販売事業者が取扱説明書を付けていなかった場合、或いは製品の問題に気付きながらそれを伝えていなかった場合など、事故発生時に事業者としての責任を問われます。
No, the accidents resulting from the misuse of a product because the user did not read the instruction manual will not be compensated for as a general rule. Please make sure the instruction manual is included when you purchase a product. Additionally, if a rental service provider or a second-hand seller fails to provide an instruction manual, or if they were aware of a product issue but did not communicate this, they may be held responsible as operators at the time of an accident. -
What are refunded by the SG Mark Compensation?A11SGマーク賠償制度では、事故が製品の欠陥により起こったと認められた人身損害について妥当と考えられる範囲で損害を賠償いたします。対象となる主な損害は入院費、通院治療費、通院交通費、休業損害等になりますが、事故の結果から妥当と認められる範囲となります。既往症の治療、被害者の希望による治療や個室利用料等は、損害の対象外となります。具体的な賠償額は、賠償の決定後にご提出していただく診断書や治療費領収書等の書類に基づき個別に算定いたします。
The SG Mark Compensation refunds the money which reasonably covers the human loss resulted in the accident caused by the defect of the product. The expenses to be covered include medical expenses such as impatient and outpatient treatment costs, medicine fees, travel expenses for outpatient visits and loss of earnings, but only to the extent considered resalable based on the outcome of the accident. Medical cares for anamnesis and additional treatments or costs preferred by the applicant such as charges for a private room usage are not compensated. Specific amount of the compensation is individually calculated based on the documents submitted. Compensation cannot be made unless the documents which prove the necessary expenses are filed. When a portion of the costs is compensated by other insurance policies or various legal systems such as the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance and the High-Cost Medical Expense Benefit, those amounts are deducted from the SG Compensation. If the injured person did not notify CPSA about such compensation and received full amount of loss from the SG Compensation he/she may be subject to additional income tax. -
What are the differences between the SG Mark Compensation and the PL Insurance policies?A12SGマーク賠償制度もPL保険も製品の欠陥によって発生した事故を対象とします(ただし、SGマーク賠償制度は人身損害のみ)が、PL保険では事業者自らがすべての対応を行わなければならないのに対して、SGマーク賠償制度では弊協会が原因究明から賠償措置までを行います。中立性の高い弊協会が認証しているため製品の安全性についての信頼性が高く、その上、万が一の事故の場合は速やかに対応できるのが特長です(原則、事故発生届を受理してから2か月で原因究明と賠償についての判断を行います。)
Both the SG Mark Compensation and the PL Insurance policies cover the accidents caused by the failure of products (SG Mark Compensation covers personal injury only). However, there is a significant operational difference between them. In PL insurance, the business itself must handle all aspects of the incident response. Conversely, under the SG mark compensation system, CPSA undertakes everything from investigating the cause to arranging compensation measures. This approach guarantees a high level of impartiality and reliability in product safety, as our association certifies it. Additionally, a distinctive feature of the SG mark scheme is its ability to respond quickly in the event of an accident, typically resolving investigations and decisions regarding compensation within two months of receiving an accident report.