
工場登録・確認・更新審査についてのご案内Timing and the Fee forthe Inspections of New Registration/Confirmation/Renewal of Registration

1.オンライン審査申請料について(The FEE for the Online Realtime Inspection)


In cases that an onsite inspectionwas not possible due to the Covid19, CPSA conducted an online realtime inspectionas a shorttime alternative means.Under the current situation of the Covid 19 infectionin the world,CPSA keepsthe online realtime inspections availableuntil the situation significantly improves.


Theonline realtime inspection has been conducted with the same fee as the onsite inspection, under the condition that an onsite inspection (with the inspection fee) should follow when it becomes possible. However, an online realtimeinspection needs much more time for preparation and the implementation for CPSA than that for onsite inspection. On the other hand, speedy inspection and the result as well as unnecessary paymentfor travel expensesof the inspector are significant meritsfor the factoryfor registration although an onsite inspection should follow later.

このような状況を考慮し、202241日以降にオンライン・審査を行う場合には、審査20万円に引き上げさせていただきます。なお、すでに通知しております通り、過去にSGマークの使用実績が乏しい場合の審査202241日からは20万円の付加金を課すこととなっています。従いまして、このような事例では、オンライン・リアルタイム審査となる場合の審査40万円となりますのでご留意ください。Considering the situationsabove, the fee for the online realtime inspection will be increased to 200,000 yen as of April 1, 2022.Please note that the factories which have not used SG

Marks many will be charged additional 200,000 yen.In such a case, an online realtime inspection will cost 400,000yen.


2.申請手数料について(The Fee for Applicationof Registration)


In the past, an applicant for registration of the factory is not required to pay until the inspection is to take placeand consultation for application is not charged. However, there are cases that a number of months have passedsince the first inquiry froman applicantand/or the consultation is suspended without a future schedule. To process applications including consultation more efficiently and speedy, CPSA asks the applicants to pay part of the inspection fee as the Fee for Application of Registrationwhen the application document is filed. The application fee is 50,000 yen and total cost for inspection is not changed, but the application fee will not berefunded in case the inspection is not taken place.


3.確認・更新審査について(Inspections for Confirmation/Renewal of Registration)

2022年度以降、定期的に実施する確認・更新審査については、その実施時期等についてすでに文書にて通知を行っておりますが、実施期日が迫りましたらば改めてご通知いたします。CPSA sent a notice to each registered factory aboutthe timing ofthe Inspections for Confirmation/Renewal of Registrationin October this year. When the timing gets closer CPSA will notify afactoryto help it prepare for the inspection.


CPSA also announced that it charges additional 200,000 yen for a factory if it will not have used SG marks by the timing of the inspection.The inspection fee is set at a low level under the assumption that the factory uses and pays for SG Marks after registration. So, the cost for inspection can not be covered if not many SG Marks are used by the factory.This is the reason why CPSA introduced additional payment for inspectionin such a case. Therefore, in case that SG Mark was not used” should read“in case that not many SG Marks were used”. Since the situations vary among products, CPSA does not set a uniform definition of “not many”, however, it charges 200,000 yen, in principle,as the additional fee when the sum of the payments for SG Marks in the past three years is less than 200,000 yen.Please note that the amount of the additional payment is not sufficient to cover the real inspection cost. In consideration of the short notification period, the factories which need to receive the inspectionsduring the FY2022, the additional fee is charged if the sum of payments for SG Marks in the past SIX years is less than200,000 yen.Additional fee is charged in the sum of the payments for SG Marks in the past THREE yearsis less than 200,000 yen from FY 2023.

SGマークの使用実績が乏しい場合は訪問審査となることがありますが、コロナ禍の収束が見通せないこともあり、海外の事業所については、原則、海外の検査機関審査をけていただけますようお願いいたします。その場合は、検査機関が課す審査料に当方の事務処理等手数料として10万円を加えた金額が審査手数料となります。なお、工場登録が更新されなかった、或いは解除された場合でも、一部例外的な品目を除き、ロット認証によりSGークを使用することは可能です。When not may SG Marks were used, inspections may have to be conducted onsite, however, due to the Covid19 situation, registered factories outside of Japan are kindly asked to take inspections by a foreigninspection bodyavailable at theirlocations.In such cases, afactory has to pay to the inspection body the inspection feeit setsand additional 100,000 yen to CPSA for handlingthe application. In case the registration is not renewed or cancelled, the factory can still use SG Marks if itreceives certification by testing samples of the “Lot” of products with a few exceptions.(以上)
