「SG基準詳細技術情報利用規程」の内容を十分に理解し、そのすべてに忠実に従うことを約束していただくと、詳細技術情報が記載された SG基準を入手することができます。
To obtain SG Standards with detail technical information, you need to faithfully observe the “Rules for Using the Detail Technical Information of the SG Standards.
SG基準詳細技術情報利用規程The Rules for Using the Detail Technical Information of the SG Standards
第1条 本規程は、SG基準詳細技術情報の適切な管理により製品安全を促進するとと
The objective of the set of rules herein is to properly control the detail technical information of
the SG Standards, and by thus to promote product safety, to prevent confusions between the
uncertified und uncertified products by SG Mark Scheme, and to maintain and increase the
reliability of the SG Mark labeled products.
(詳細技術情報の利用者の範囲)(Limitation of the parties)
第2条 SG基準詳細技術情報は、製品安全協会(以下「協会」という。)から当該情
The party which received technical detail information of the SG Standards (called hereafter
“the Recipient”) from the Consumer Product Safety Association (called hereafter “CPSA”) is
allowed to share the information only among the people who need the information within the
organization. The Party must not share the information with other people and must not open
or publish the information.
第3条 SG基準詳細技術情報利用者は、提供されたSG基準詳細技術情報を基に、S
上であるような表示(以下「混同させる可能性のある表示」という。)をしてはならない。また、カタログ、Web 商品情報などで、SG基準詳細技術情報利用者が製造、
The Recipient must not put any kind of displays on uncertified products which suggest that the
uncertified products are equal, equivalent, or superior to the certified products under SG Marks
Scheme (“confusing displays” hereafter), using the detail technical information it received from
CPSA. The Recipient must not use any kind of confusing displays in a catalogue or on the
Web or in other forms, on part or all the uncertified products the Recipient manufactures, sells
or imports.
The confusing displays include those referring to “SG”, “SG Standard”, “SG Mark” or
implying these, such as, but not limited to “SG Standard Conforming (product)”, “SG Standard
Based (product)” “SG Equivalent (product)”, and “Superior to the SG (marked products)”.
(違反行為に対する措置)(Actions against Violations)
第4条 SG基準詳細技術情報利用者は、前条に違反して混同させる可能性のある表示
The Recipient must promptly collect and dispose the products with confusing displays in
violation of the article above. The Recipient must promptly suspend and remove displays and
advertisements or others in violation of the article above.
一品目当たり 50 万円以上 300 万円以内の範囲で協会が定める金額を協会が指定する
In case the Recipient failed to comply with the article above, the Recipient must pay the penalty
CPSA charges at least 500 thousand and up to 3 million yen per violation per item by the
deadline that CPSA sets. As necessry, CPSA publishes the violation on is homepage or by other means.
(利用料金)(The Fee for the Use of the Information)
第5条 SG基準詳細技術情報利用者は、SG基準詳細技術情報の提供を求める際に、
The Recipient must pay the fee to CPSA for the use of a piece of the Detail Technical
Information of the SG Standard.
附 則 (Addendum)(22Kiyaku-51)
These Rules will apply from the January 1st of 2022.
附 則(Addendum)(22Kiyaku-54)
These Rules will apply from the January 21 of 2022.
附 則(Addendum)(22Kiyaku-76)
These Rules will apply from the April 1st of 2022.
附 則(Addendum)(22Kiyaku-79)
These Rules will apply from the July 1st of 2022.